The Dream That Never Sleeps
“People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes.” ― Neil Gaiman

posted : Jumat, 21 Desember 2012
title : Hey . . . It's Gloomy!
Well, high school life isn't as great as I thought. It's TOTALLY GLOOM! Moreover, my school's program is different with others. So, we study faster. Because I'm a type of person who need some lazy time and sometimes, I like slacking off... so I feel like, this school is super strict! I found this writing about High School Life, and I think.. this is COMPLETELY TRUE!

I always dreamed, having school like I often read in Manga. But, the ratio with the reality is just so damn far. I just can Imagining If I have school like that, there will be so many happiness. Even though there was a problem, but It's always having a good end! Oh my god. And I think "High Schools isn't as fun as it appears in Manga" If I was a manga's character, my life would be perfect! There's so much thing that I envy in manga, like:

1. "There is ALWAYS, a good looking boy there". And some story tells that the main character sit beside the good-looking boy. Next, they become a close friend and in the end they're going out! This is the most thing that I envy from manga. Not just the handsome boys, but also the story. The boy character start to bully the girl.  And they start to like each other *sigh* I want something like this happen in my life!
(okay, stop this overboard fantasy)

 2. "They have a cute school uniform". I wanna have a school uniform like thaaat! That's just too perfect in my eye! I don't know why, but I like this kind of school uniform. I think all girls will look pretty if we use this uniform. Unfortunately, my school doesn't use a uniform like that *sigh* Can somebody tell me where I can buy a uniform like that? I really want it. Or I should go to a tailor and ask for making a school uniform like that. But that must be expensive! Just wishing the school's rule will change, LOL.

3. "A Great Friendship Life" It's nice for having some loyal friends. They will take part in our problems, like if we got angry by a teacher, they will defend us. And they will listen to every problem that we faced.  And, the part that I like  is that some group of people is not just consists of girls/boys only. They can get along each other. Chillin and hanging around. Haha, what a wonderful friendship that they had. School will be more fun if there was a fun friend too. Fun mean that they can get insane with us too, lol.

4. " NO STRESS LIFE! " THIS! This is what I really need! School suck if there's too much thing causing stress! My High School Life = TOTAL GLOOM! Exam Everywhere! Homework Everyday! Assignment in Every Lesson! Give me a break already -___-